Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Reception 2025 Open Evening November 11th at 6.00pm and 14th November at 1.30pm

  1. Curriculum
  2. Statement of Intent
  3. Music


“Without music, life would be a mistake.” Friedrich Nietzsche 

Weekly Music Round-Up

Every week, all pupils receive at least 30 min music lesson every week. In addition to that, here is what is on offer to our pupils:

Monday:              Recorder Consort

     Singing a song in Whole School Assembly

Tuesday:              Woodwind Peripatetic Lessons

                                Singing Assembly & Live Music


Thursday:            Djembe Peripatetic Lessons

                                School Choir

Friday:                  Guitar Peripatetic Lessons

                                Singing Celebration Songs in Celebration Assembly


This is what we are working on in Recorder Club this week. Can you use this link to practise?

Our Vision for Music at Primrose Lane

Our music curriculum aims to instill a lifelong love of music in our students and nurture their musical talents. By encouraging creativity through composition and improvisation, we empower children to express themselves artistically and develop their unique musical voices. We set high expectations for our students, supporting them to become confident and accomplished musicians who can perform with skill and passion. By providing a comprehensive music education that fosters a love of music and encourages students to perform and create, we use music to contribute to pupils' wider personal development. Our intent is to provide students with a well-rounded musical experience that not only develops their technical skills but also nurtures their creativity, confidence, and self-expression.  

At Primrose Lane Primary School, we have developed a Self-Developed music curriculum that reflects our strong music ethos and commitment to providing a wide range of opportunities for our students to engage with music. Our curriculum is designed to be broad, balanced and progressive, ensuring that all children are exposed to a variety of tuned and untuned instruments, with singing at the heart of our musical education. We believe in providing numerous opportunities for our students to perform in front of live audiences, fostering a love of music, and using music as a means of self-expression.  

Music at Primrose Lane 

  • Every class from Nursery to Year 2 are being taught music every week by their class teacher. In KS2 (Y3-Y6) children are taught by Mrs Crowther, a music specialist;
  • Every Tuesday we have a whole school Singing Assembly;
  • To start the Singing Assemblies, we have a ‘Live Music’ slot where instrumentalists have an opportunity to perform. This inspires and entertains the other children and is a wonderful opportunity to play a piece that is ready. We have already heard Harvey in Y3 perform ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ on his guitar - needless to say, the crowd went wild! Please encourage your child to chat to Mrs Crowther or their class teacher if they want to perform in a relaxed environment (with a very forgiving audience) on a Tuesday;
  • KS2 Choir meets every week on Thursdays. There are no auditions, all are welcome. We will be working on modern ‘pop’ songs as well as more traditional choral music for children, aiming to develop 2 and 3 part singing and confidence. Please have a think at home about whether or not your child(ren) would like to join – we’ll have lots of fun!
  • Recorder Consort meet on Monday Lunchtimes at 12:45;
  • Practise – if your child learns an instrument (in or out of school), they are allowed to bring in their instruments to practise together at break or lunchtime in the KS2 area. Mrs Crowther is also around so if anyone needs help tuning instruments for advice on musical issues e.g tricky rhythms etc. or just someone to perform to, she is there;
  • Our peripatetic music lessons have started already! We welcome back Mrs Hedington, who is teaching flute, saxophone, clarinet and oboe on Wednesdays. A warm welcome to Mr Jarman who is new to school; he will be teaching guitar on Fridays and Mr Nunn who teaches percussion on Thursdays. I can’t wait to hear the instrumentalists perform in our concerts and Live Music sessions throughout the year.  If you have any questions about woodwind or percussion lessons, please contact Mrs Glew in the school office for more information;
  • Whole class music lessons are part of the new music curriculum. In Year 2 and Year 3, pupils receive whole class recorder lessons, in Year 4 pupils have whole class ukulele lessons and in Years 5 and 6, pupils have a half term on recorder and on ukulele to keep those skills sharp. Then, pupils are able to move on to woodwind tuition and guitar tuition if they please to develop further. 
  • As we progress through our new long term plan for music, we will continue with half a term of recorder teaching and half a term of ukulele teaching in Years 5 and 5 and 6 so that when pupils leave us, they will be able to read music and be quite confident playing 2 instruments. Hopefully they will have fostered a life-long love of music!
  • We will hold a KS2 Music Concert at the end of each term. These concerts are for pupils who have instrumental lessons in our out of school and the school choir. If your child’s piece needs a piano accompaniment, please give it to Mrs Crowther in time for her to practise with your child;
  • There will, of course,  be ‘usual’ key events throughout the year such as the Nativity, Carol Service and Summer Production, details of which will be provided nearer the time;
  • There is also lots of ‘incidental’ singing going on in classes to aid learning e.g. singing times tables songs.


If you have any questions about peripatetic music lessons, the contact is Mrs Glew in the office, any other music questions, please ask Mrs Crowther - feel free to email on . We look forward to a year of wonderful music-making and performances!


Artforms is the name of our wonderful Music Hub. If you want to know more about music-making in our area or what is on offer city-wide, click on the link and check out their website or contact them direct with any queries:

Tel: 0113 3782850

ArtForms Music
Pudsey Civic Hall
Dawson’s Corner
LS28 5TA

Here is our report from the Champion School Review. They are due to assess us again this academic year, and we look forward to sharing what we have been up to!