Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Nursery


About the Nursery

Primrose Lane Nursery is an educational Nursery that provides the next steps for your child and prepares them for their progression into Reception and starting school. We offer wraparound care for Nursery children at the Primrose Lane Out of School Club. 

Come in and see us!

You are more than welcome to visit us and see our lovely Nursery in action. Simply telephone school on 01937 842667 or email Mrs Glew on and we’ll be more than happy to show you around.

Come and join us for a stay and play in nursery to have a look around and see what we are all about. Please can you fill in the form below to show your interest of attendance.

Our commitment is to provide children with an exciting, stimulating and secure environment where they can develop as an individual, becoming independent learners and allowing them to achieve well.

We pride ourselves on:
• having highly qualified and experienced staff, including a teacher
• building and maintaining strong relationships with all children
• being role models and promoting children’s positive behaviour
• creating a safe and caring environment
• children having open access to both indoor and outdoor learning, encouraging independence
• children being well-prepared for the transition into any school by the time they leave us
• providing engaging role-play provision based on the children’s interests
• promoting healthy eating and physical activity including the use of the school hall for PE sessions.

We have constant free flow access to our secure outdoor playground, which is equipped with large-scale resources and areas of learning.

Our provision offers:
• Our curriculum is carefully planned around topics based on children’s interests, books and special events which includes having    well resourced, separate areas of learning, regularly enhanced to further development
• The Early Years Foundation Stage National Curriculum
• The teaching of Early Literacy and Communication skills though Phonics and mark making
• Early Mathematical experiences through the exploration of real objects
• Learning through music, song, rhyme and movement
• A multicultural approach by learning about different festivals
• Educational visits linked to child led topics
• Access to the main school’s enriched curriculum activities, e.g. visitors to school, special assemblies.

Session times and options:
There are now 5 options for our nursery sessions:




Additional services charge


All mornings

Monday – Friday
8.45 - 11.45



All afternoons

Monday – Friday
12.45 - 3.45



Two and a half days at the start of the week

Monday and Tuesday
8.45 - 3.45
8.45 - 11.45

£6.25 per full day
(£12.50 in total)
If children require a hot lunch there is an additional cost of £2.45 per day.


Two and a half days at the end of the week

12.45 - 3.45
Thursday and Friday 8.45 - 3.45

£6.25 per full day
(£12.50 in total)
If children require a hot lunch there is an additional cost of £2.45 per day.


30 hours offer 
(subject to availability and eligibility)

Monday- Friday
8.45 - 3.45

£6.25 per full day
(£31.25 in total)
If children require a hot lunch there is an additional cost of £2.45 per day.

Children have the option to bring a packed lunch or can pay for hot school dinners. There will also be the option to buy additional sessions subject to availability and these will be charged at £14.00 and guaranteed on a termly basis. Options 1-5 above are guaranteed throughout the year.
Starting at Nursery:

Children are eligible for admission to our Nursery after their 3rd birthday.

If you are interested in joining our Nursery we can arrange a meeting with our Nursery Teacher, who will show you around the Nursery provision.

Stay and play sessions will be arranged on the days that your child will be attending nursery so that they can meet the members of staff and also meet the children who will be attending the same days.

Download an application form here.

Photos of Nursery

Photos of Nursery Outside