School Council
Introducing our 2024-25 Primrose Lane Primary School Council
Y6: Jessica and Elliott

Y5: Lillie and Bethany
Y4: Joshua and Joe
Y3: Hugo and Dylan
Y2: Emi and Arlo

At Primrose Lane over recent weeks we have been putting democracy into action and each class from Year 2 upwards has chosen its two school councillors to represent them for the school year. It is a fantastic honour for the children who have been chosen by their peers for the role, in most cases after giving a speech or explaining a manifesto outlining their aims and what they will bring to the job.
The school council play a huge role in the school and plays an active part in making improvements and being a voice for the children. They see the school from a child's point of view and their input into suggesting ways of making Primrose Lane a better place to learn and to grow is invaluable. School Council carry out fundraising through a variety of activities, they talk to their classmates regularly about things that aren't working or could be improved, they help maintain and develop the school environment and they are role models for their peers and set a wonderful example through their behaviours and attitude to learning and supporting one another.