Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Parents & Carers
  2. Food in school, including information about free school meals

Food in school, including information about free school meals

Information about school dinners, free school meals and packed lunches

At Primrose Lane we are fortunate to have our lunches cooked on the premises. Ms Myers, our school cook works hard to ensure the school meals are of a high quality, providing the children with a nutritionally balanced meal. She also makes sure to include all the children's favourite dishes!
Cooked meals, including a vegetarian option, are prepared daily in our kitchen and children are offered a choice of main courses and desserts.  Salads, yogurt and fruit are always available. 
Our meals are based on a three week rolling plan of menus. The latest version can be found below.
Dinner Money
The cost of a school meal is £2.55. 

If you are able to pay for the half term this would be very much appreciated. You can pay online for dinner money at menus, which operate on a rolling three weeks, can be found above. Copies are also available in the classrooms. Meals that are missed, due to absence, will be credited for the following week. 

Changing from school dinners
We prefer two weeks’ notice to change lunch arrangements.

Enjoying both school dinners and packed lunches
Some people like to choose a mix of school dinners and packed lunch for their child – that’s absolutely fine, as long as it’s the same pattern of school dinners and packed lunches every week.  Many children enjoy a school meal on Thursdays when it's roast dinner day! Please let office staff know which days you’d like to opt in for a school meal in the week, and which days you’d prefer to provide your child with a packed lunch.

Bringing food to school

Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch which are eaten in the main hall.  Packed lunches should be in a secure named container.  No sweets are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit or vegetables.  Water is available on all tables for children who choose a packed lunch. We encourage parents and carers to ensure all packed lunches provide the pupil with healthy and nutritious food similar to food served in school. Our packed lunch guidance below supports parents to make informed choices to create healthy packed lunches.


Break time snacks

The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) is a government programme that entitles every child in England, aged 4-6 in fully state-funded schools to a piece of fruit or vegetable each school day.

In line with this, any snacks that are brought from home for children in key stage 2 should be restricted to fruit or vegetables unless recommended by a doctor on medical grounds (eg dietary need, management of diabetes).

The school understands that snacks can be an important part of a child’s diet and can contribute positively towards a balanced diet. The school discourages the consumption of snacks high in fat and sugar at break time. Advice on this standard is available from the Children’s Food Trust


If your child is over 5 years old, and you’d like them to receive milk, please register them and pay online at


Drinking water is available for all pupils throughout the day and pupils are encouraged to drink water at frequent intervals. All packed lunch pupils have access to water at lunch time meaning there is no need for an additional drink to be brought as part of a packed lunch.

Pupils are encouraged to bring a water bottle every day that they can refill as necessary. Bottles go home at the end of every day to be washed and returned.

No drinks other than water will be brought into school by pupils unless recommended by a doctor for medical needs.

Free School Meals
Free school meals are available to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They are also available to some older children according to family income.  It’s important to register for entitlement to free school meals, even if your child has a packed lunch or is in a younger class – this is so we can receive additional funding (called the pupil premium) which we can use to help your child.

Children are entitled to Free School Meals if their parents, carers or guardians receive any of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • The Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)
  • Support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, if you have an annual taxable income (as assessed by H M Revenue and Customs) which does not exceed £16,190

To find out if your child qualifies for free school meals, and for any help or advice, you could:

  • Contact Leeds City Council Welfare Rights Team  on 0113 376 0452, Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4:30pm​​, Wednesdays 10:15am to 4:30pm and Fridays 9am to 4pm
  • Visit a One Stop Centre – the nearest one to school is in Wetherby, 24 W Gate, Wetherby LS22 6NL
  • Visit your local housing office
  • Contact Leeds City Council Benefits Helpline on 0113 222 4404
  • Work out what benefits you may be entitled to by using this on-line benefit calculator
  • Minicom users can contact on 0113 222 4410; for Braille, large print or on audio CD / tape, please contact Leeds City Council (using details above)
  • Call HMRC Tax Credit helpline (0845 300 3900) or visit their website; or
  • Contact Turn2Us – a charitable service that helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other help.

The Leeds City Council website has more information about free school meals.  If you’ve any general questions about free school meals, please ask us at the Office