Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Curriculum
  2. Statement of Intent

Curriculum Statement 

At Primrose Lane we are passionate about providing our children with a broad and balanced curriculum. A curriculum that will ensure that when children leave our school, they are ready for the next stage in their education with the skills and knowledge that will help them in the future. We want them feel confident to make valuable contributions to their community and wider society, with  knowledge and understanding of other cultures and beliefs as well as how to be a responsible citizen, someone that is tolerant and respectful of others.

We are passionate about ensuring that we are inclusive of all children, and we work hard with families and external agencies to support all children at Primrose Lane to be the best they can be. We look at each child as an individual and adapt the curriculum to ensure that all pupils are successful and make progress. We recognise just how important looking after our physical and mental health is and use a carefully planned curriculum to support children to develop the skills, they need to do this independently.

Across the curriculum we focus on developing key skills that we believe are essential for children including resilience and perseverance. We want children to be able to work independently and collaboratively whilst always doing their best. Our curriculum supports children to grow in confidence and develop curiosity with a love of learning at the heart of all they do. Our curriculum supports children to build meaningful relationships with each other, as we believe that a strong sense of belonging to the Primrose Lane community is essential for our pupils' personal development and academic success. We support children to think carefully about their choices and encourage them to be kind, always.

We want our children to be proud to be a pupil at Primrose Lane and our oldest pupils to be role models for those that are younger than them.

At Primrose Lane we teach the national curriculum. Each year group has its own set of subject objectives that build on previous learning ensuring that we support all children to recall identified knowledge and skills as they progress through school.

To find out more speak to our Headteacher Mrs Bailey or one of our subject leaders