Primrose Lane Primary School

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Primrose Lane Primary School

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  1. Our School
  2. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Primrose Lane we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve at school. In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey. Quality first teaching is vital; however, for some children there are occasions when further support may be needed.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is: Mrs Jo Turnbull. 
All SEND provision is overseen and managed by Mrs Turnbull. You can telephone school on 01937 842667 to make an appointment, or email her directly on

At the heart of the work of every primary school class is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessment which takes account of the wide range of abilities, aptitudes and interests of the children. The majority of children will learn and progress within these arrangements. Those children whose overall attainments and achievement in specific subjects fall significantly outside the expected range may have Special Educational Needs (SEN).

At Primrose Lane, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils based on three principles:

  • setting suitable learning challenges;
  • responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs;
  • overcoming potential barriers to learning.

Children have a learning difficulty if they:

  • have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age;
  • have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age. This may relate to impairments in communication and interaction, cognition and learning, behavioural, emotional and social development, or sensory or physical needs.

For children who have a specific learning difficulty or a disability, our SEN policy and information report outlines the educational support we provide.

This provision is alongside the Leeds Local Offer. The Leeds Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care.

You might also like to read our Equality and accessibility plan

If you’re not happy with the any of the arrangements in place for your child, we would always recommend that you initially speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs Turnbull. Our aim is to work together for the best outcomes for your child.

If a resolution isn’t possible, you may wish to follow our complaints procedure. If you’re unhappy with anything in relation to an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment or an EHC plan, please email or call 0113 378 5256. If you would like to contact them by post the address is: 

SEN Statutory Assessment and Provision Team (SENSAP)
Adams Court
Kildare Terrace
LS12 1DB 

In addition to the formal support processes set out above, parents and young people can seek advice and support from Leeds SEND Information Advice Support Service who will be able to offer support. You can email or call the Helpline on 0113 378 5020.

We have written a set of frequently asked questions from parents/carers which you may also find useful.

SEND Newsletters 2024-2025
Mrs Turnbull writes a newsletter updating our school community and providing useful links to parents each term.

SEND Navigators 

Click here to see what SEND Navigators is all about 

SEND Navigator Workshops 


SEND Websites and Resources 

Below is a selection of resources that you may find useful – A useful site for free, Special Education advice, based on statutory requirements – The National Autistic Society website; the main UK charity for supporting people with ASD and their families (contains lots of useful advice and resources) – For more information on Attention Autism and how you can support your child to develop attention and turn-taking skills – An information directory for parents and carers – Advice and support for parents of children with SEN – A comprehensive site, with a useful resource library  A non-profit community interest company that helps parents and carers of autistic children navigate health & social care,
education and leisure. - A really useful set of social stories to share with children, covering topics ranging from coping with a new baby in the family to getting a haircut and making friends. The National Autistic Society website also provides guidance on writing your own personalised social stories A free, impartial and confidential advice service for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. This is a one-stop information resource to support all neurodivergent (ND) children, young people and families in Leeds both WITH and WITHOUT formal diagnoses. It is a common misconception that a formal diagnosis is required to access advice and support. This is not the case.