Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Reception 2025 Open Evening November 11th at 6.00pm and 14th November at 1.30pm

  1. Curriculum
  2. PE and Sport Premium

PE and Sport Premium and News

The PE and Sport Premium is additional funding to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in school.

At Primrose Lane, we pride ourselves on being a happy and healthy place to learn.  We’ve developed an action plan to ensure this funding is invested (rather than ‘spent’) to maximise the long term impact of our PE provision for pupils and staff.

Our PE provision plan shows how we’re investing the money and the way we closely monitor the impact of these initiatives through assessment of children’s skills, staff and pupil feedback, uptake of clubs etc.

If you would like any further information please contact Mr Jackson, our PE and Sport Leader.

Over this academic year, I’m sure your children have enjoyed participating and competing in various sports and small games, as well as learning within their two hours of PE per week. There continues to be more of a focus than ever on PE and Sport in all schools, not just to encourage healthy active lifestyles, but also to develop the children’s social and emotional enjoyment, which has been shown to link to success within other areas of the curriculum.

This year, again, primary schools have received funding called Sport Premium, which is ring-fenced and can only be used to specifically develop Physical Education (PE), sport and physical activity in school. After an evaluation, schools have then been awarded a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum award or nothing at all within the Sainsbury’s School Games Quality Mark. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded again this year.

Following our recent application for the 2023-24 academic year, Primrose Lane is very proud to announce that we achieved the Gold for the Sainsburys School Games Quality Mark, maintaining our award for many years, which is a fantastic achievement for a small school!

We would like to congratulate all staff and children for their efforts and cooperation within PE and Sport and hope it continues to progress further. We must recognise and thank the parents and carers of our children who continue to support us and help us achieve our vision within sport and PE.

If you have any questions or suggestions of ways of further developing the PE and Sport here at Primrose Lane, please come and see Mr Jackson (PE and Sport Coordinator).

Primrose Lane First Team

Below are the match reports of our league and cup matches, written by the captains of the games:



Primrose Lane Girls Team

Below are the match reports of our league and cup matches, written by the captains of the games: