Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Curriculum
  2. Wider Curriculum
  3. MindMate Ambassadors

MindMate Ambassadors

In the summer term George, Emme and Everley attended the Mindmate Ambassadors training in readiness to help Mrs Turnbull set up the Primrose Lane Mindmate Ambassadors. Having delivered a whole school assembly, lots of children were interested in applying to be the class representatives. After carrying out elections in each class we would like to introduce our first Primrose Lane Mindmate Ambassadors... 

Lead Ambassadors: George, Emme and Everley 

Class Representatives:

Year 6: Chloe and Elizabeth 

Year 5: Wesley and Lillie

Year 4: Holly and Lucie

Year 3: Alice and Oliver

Year 2: Dora and Ellis

Year 1: Jamie and Freya


Autumn Term Update

We have been really busy this term. 

We have....

  1. Met weekly to discuss what we can do to support emotional wellbeing at break and lunchtimes
  2. Made a whole school Wellbeing Notice Board
  3. Used Zones of Regulation to support children to understand how they are feeling and what they can do if they are dysregulated. 
  4. Created the Primrose Lane Happy Hub which is where the Mindmate Ambassadors are based. In the Happy Hub is our Wellbeing First Aid Kit, some books and some craft activities. 
  5. Wrote an article for the school newsletter
  6. We have also delivered two whole school assemblies

Spring Term plans

 Over the Spring Term we are planning two projects

  1. The Happy Tree
  2. The Buddy Bench

We will keep you posted!