Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Reception 2025 Open Evening November 11th at 6.00pm and 14th November at 1.30pm

  1. Curriculum
  2. Wider Curriculum
  3. After-School and Extra-Curricular Clubs

After-School and Extra-Curricular Clubs

We want to support all our children to access extra curricular clubs. Extra-curricular activities boost young people's confidence to interact socially with others; extend their social networks; and provide them with new skills and abilities. Above all, they offer an important space to have fun and relax away from the pressures of school work.

Below are the selection of Extra Curricular Clubs we have on offer. 

Monday: Football club (KS1 and 2) Foot Tech
Monday: Dance and Drama (Y1-Y6) Little Story Stars
Tuesday: Woodwind instrument lessons
Wednesday: Nerf club (KS2) Kickstart Kamps
Thursday: Dodgeball (Y2-Y6) Kickstart Kamps
Thursday: Djembe instrument lessons
Friday: First Team Football Training (Years 5 and 6)
Friday: Guitar lessons
Various days: Girls Football Team Training
Various days: Golden Mile
Various days: Sports leaders playtime games
Various days: Commando fitness
Afterschool Club Letters

Please see below the letters/links for the different clubs throughout the week, ranging from football, forest school, multiskills, multisports, dance, drama, nerf and dodgeball

 Primrose Lane DODGEBALL CLUB letter (Autumn 1) 2024.docxDownload
 Primrose Lane NERF cover letter (Autumn 1) 2024.docxDownload
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