Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Parents & Carers
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform

Pupils are expected to attend school appropriately dressed and we would ask that they come to school in the prescribed uniform. A uniform helps to develop a sense of belonging to the school and prevents competition and additional costs. We have found that wearing school colours supports us in maintaining our high standards of behaviour. For health and safety reasons children must have a change of clothes for PE.

Our school colours are white, maroon and grey.

School uniform can be ordered online from APC Tadcaster at 



maroon sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper

shirt / polo shirt

white or maroon polo shirt or shirt

trousers / shorts / skirt / dress

grey trousers or shorts

grey knee-length skirt or pinafore dress

maroon and white checked summer dress

socks / tights

plain white / grey / maroon / black socks or tights


plain, flat black shoes or trainers

PE kit, which should be worn on PE days




indoor: maroon t-shirt

outdoor: as above, plus the school sweatshirt or maroon fleece 


black shorts

tracksuit bottoms

black tracksuit bottoms / leggings


indoor: trainers

outdoor: trainers

All clothing should be clearly labelled and named. We gather lots of lost property – please help us to reduce this amount! 

Other items: Other items of school equipment are available. These include a book bag and PE bag. Water bottles should be plastic/metal, labelled, and regularly cleaned. Reading book bags and PE bags are also available from

Pre-loved items: A full range of sizes and items are available through the class PTA reps.

Hair: Long hair should be tied back (this is so that it does not distract from learning and for hygiene reasons). Hairstyles should not be attention seeking eg extreme styles such as sculptured names / symbols or dyed hair are neither appropriate or acceptable for children of primary school age. This includes eyebrows. Hair accessories should be minimal: as small as possible and not too bright.

Jewellery and other accessories: Only plain stud earrings (no more than 4mm wide) and items that are absolutely required by a religion are allowed. A watch or step counter is allowed but avoid expensive items and those that might distract. Advisors recommend no earrings are worn for PE; therefore, we will ask your child to remove earrings before the lesson and put them back in after the lesson. This will be carried out by the child. If they are unable to remove or put their earrings back in by themselves, they must not wear them on the day they have PE.

Make-up: No make-up, including nail varnish, and no temporary tattoos.

Bags: For reasons of space, please restrict bags to small backpacks / shoulder bags.

Non-uniform days: Pupils should dress appropriately and respectfully for school, even on non-uniform days. Clothes are inappropriate if they, for example, glorify violence, feature bad language, are very short (eg crop tops), or relate to age-inappropriate topics (eg computer games). Make-up (other than face paints as part of a specific costume) is not allowed. Flip-flops or high-heeled shoes are not allowed, even on non-uniform days, because they’re dangerous when running.

Please contact the School Office if you need help to fund the uniform or if you have any questions, comments or concerns.