Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Our School
  2. Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome


Primrose Lane is a vibrant and happy learning community with over 200 children aged from 3-11. Our school is set in extensive and beautiful grounds close to the centre of Boston Spa, an attractive village located in a rural setting on the outskirts of the City of Leeds. We are proud of our reputation as a caring and successful school, focused on learning and individual achievement. As soon as a child joins our school we work hard to get to know them well and provide them with the best education possible, helping to nurture and develop them as individuals.

Our school works as a team in which parents, children, staff and governors are all involved in the education of the children. We believe that children learn best in a positive, encouraging, safe and secure atmosphere. It is important that every child becomes an independent, successful and confident learner during their time in primary school. We do everything we can to fulfill our responsibilities and help each child reach their potential. We are committed to ensuring that all children leave our school with the skills they require to make a positive contribution to society.

I hope that this website helps to give you a little insight into the life and work of our school and to convey what I feel makes Primrose Lane Primary School the great school that it is. The website contains much information about the school and its curriculum.

If you are a prospective parent you are most welcome to come and visit us and I will be pleased to show you around. If you are the parent of a child already in school, I hope you find what you are looking for on the website – if not please let me know as I will be delighted to help.

I hope that through browsing our website you too will understand and share our feeling and enthusiasm for "Our School". A child only gets one chance and here at Primrose Lane we strive to ensure they are given the best possible start.

Mrs Lara Bailey 