Primrose Lane Primary School

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Westwood Way, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6DX


Primrose Lane Primary School

Proud to be Primrose Lane

  1. Curriculum
  2. Subjects
  3. PSHE

Personal Social Health & Economic Education


We teach PSHE with the intent of empowering our pupils to develop essential life skills, critical thinking abilities, and emotional intelligence. Our goal is to cultivate responsible, respectful citizens who are capable of making informed decisions, understanding societal issues, and maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing. Through our PSHE curriculum, we aspire to instil in our pupils the values of empathy, tolerance, and resilience. By embedding the principles of respect, responsibility, and understanding of diversity within our PSHE curriculum, we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who are equipped to thrive in a diverse society. 


At Primrose Lane, we use the You, Me, PSHE curriculum as the basis for our PSHE lessons which extend learning beyond the academic, providing children with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate moral and cultural issues prevalent in today's society. We believe in fostering a deep understanding that difference and diversity are not negatives, but rather traits that make individuals unique. 

PSHE is delivered in seven key strands that are revisited each year, allowing for the extension of knowledge, deepening of understanding, and development of essential skills. These strands are:  

  • Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) 
  • Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education (DATE) 
  • Keeping Safe and Managing Risk 
  • Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing 
  • Physical Health and Wellbeing 
  • Careers Financial Capability & Economic Wellbeing 
  • Identity, Society, and Equality 

We supplement the You, Me, PSHE curriculum with lessons from MindMate, emphasising the importance of good mental health. In addition, each year group has lessons incorporating videos from Diversity Role Models to help children comprehend protected characteristics in an age-appropriate manner. From nursery to year six, our clearly outlined curriculum supports the holistic personal development of every child, ensuring that each child receives a comprehensive and progressive PSHE education. British Values are taught discretely during lessons where appropriate and revisited during whole school assemblies.  


We teach our children to make healthy choices and talk often about why maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle supports our physical and mental health. Through the use of MindMate lessons and planned social and emotional lessons we support our children to develop strategies to keep their minds and bodies healthy, skills that we know will support them into adulthood. Through carefully chosen assemblies, visitors and trips we support our children to understand how the choices they make can affect themselves and others. 

Curriculum Documents 

PSHE Curriculum Document  

PSHE Long Term Plan 

PSHE at Primrose Lane