Primrose Lane Primary School

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Primrose Lane Primary School

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  1. Curriculum
  2. Subjects
  3. Maths


‘Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.’

Albert Einstein


Mathematics is a fundamental subject that underpins various aspects of everyday life, science, technology, and engineering. Our intent in teaching mathematics at Primrose Lane is to instil in our pupils a love for the subject, an appreciation for its beauty and power, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity. We aim for our students to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, to reason mathematically, and to solve problems with confidence and sophistication. Through the White Rose Maths curriculum, we aspire to develop independent thinkers who can apply their mathematical knowledge in diverse contexts, explain their methods and thinking processes, and make number work fun.

Maths at Primrose Lane 

Year 6

Active Maths!

Year 6 have been learning about place value and been active with their learning. Within these photos below, they were able to create huge numbers and learn the value of these (and chose to work as a team to create the largest number they could using only the digits 0 and 9 - realising that numbers are in fact infinite!). Also, children were learning about common multiples (linking this to their knowledge of common factors) and were selecting the best answer out of a choice of 3 to answer some key question- a really memorable way to learn more and remember more!

Year 5

Year 5 have been learning about place value and used counters as an example of a manipulative to help learning and remembering. This helped with understanding the actual value of the numbers and how having 10 counters in one column requires an exchange to the higher value column to the left. It also helped with recognising and comparing numbers so it was obvious which numbers were larger/smaller. We always encourage different manipulatives and resources to help in Maths, as this helps children 'feel' Maths and understand it, before they can develop a more abstract nature to make them solve problems quicker! 

Equally, Year 5 have also been using the place value counters to demonstrate their understanding of converting improper fractions to mixed number fractions (showing how they can transfer their knowledge and understanding of using manipulatives in different areas of Maths. Here, children were demonstrating that improper fractions can be converting to whole numbers, with the remainder represented as a part of the whole. 

Thank you to the parents/carers that came to the Y5 Maths Fractions Support workshop session, I hope it was useful talking through equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, comparing fractions and much more! If you weren't able to make it, don't worry, I know how difficult it is to find time out of work/life to come to these events. See below the Powerpoint that we went through, I hope it is useful and if you have any questions, please do ask your children and they will hopefully be able to explain how they solve the problems! Alternatively, ask me and I'll happily support.

Mr Jackson

 Parents and Carers Maths Support Session Fractions 2024.pptxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Year 4

Year 4 invited parents/carers for a maths workshop in class. Mrs Hardcastle gave calculations (addition, subtraction and multiplication) to complete and children had to help adults by showing them the methods we use in class.

It was a brilliant afternoon demonstrating excellent communication skills and teamwork. It also really highlighted how far the children have already come with their maths this year and the amount of progress they have made. 

Here are some thoughts from the children: 

Lily - It was fun to watch my parent struggle with her work! 

Grace - I had to give my mum the times tables sheet as she didn't know all of the hot 100 answers. 

Joe - It was fun to see the look on my dad's face when he got 98/100 on his hot 100s 

Jasmine - My mum isn't very familiar with her 8 times tables even though they are the ones I find the easiest. 

Year 2

Year 2 have very much impressed with their efforts to learn the different types of 2D shapes. The children have been learning new names for shapes as well as how many vertices a shape has. The children really enjoyed their challenge to create some 2D shapes using lollipop sticks. 

Year 1

Maths lessons this year are enjoyable, with plenty of hands-on activities. Now that Year 1 are using numbers over 20, they will learn to use a 100 square to help with their adding and subtracting. Number bonds will also be reinforced and they will learn to count forwards, backwards, in 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, and they will double and halve. Again, always learning in a fun and engaging way. We have recently been learning about numbers that are greater than and less than.  We have also been ordering numbers and learning about the part whole model. Below, you will also see us practically drawing numberlines on the playground, demonstrating children's understanding and ability to create their own pictorial representations; which they have applied within their White Rose Maths booklets independently and working in groups.